domingo, 14 de abril de 2019
Reunião do Republicano John McCain e do General Pinochet em 1986
"Membro do congresso John McCain numa reunião com o presidente Pinochet discutiu os perigos do Comunismo, um assunto pelo qual o Presidente parece obcecado. O Presidente descreveu também a recente história do Chile e a luta contra o Comunismo. e mostrou particular orgulho de que a ameaça Comunista foi totalmente eliminada no Chile. O Presidente também estressou que sempre estiveram sozinhos e reclamou da política exterior dos EUA que os deixou paralisados.
Del Valle, Ministro do Exterior Chileno, fez uma intervenção acalorada sobre a inabilidade dos EUA de entenderem a situação Chilena e como os EUA falharam em ajudar o Chile na luta contra a expansão Comunista.
Merino, funcionário do gabinete Chileno, comentou que as eleições de 1989 seriam livres e que a Junta Militar não apoiaria Pinochet, caso ele se candidatasse."
"Congressman John Mccain, [...] meeting with the President [Pinochet] [...] was discussing the dangers of Communism, a subject about which the President seems obsessed. The President described Chile's recent history in the fight against Communism, and displayed considerable pride in the fact that the Communist menace had been defeated in Chile. The President stressed that Chile had stood alone in this battle, and complained that United Staes foreign Policy had left them stranded."
"Congressman McCain [...] noted that Pinochet does seem obsessed with the threat of Communism. Del Valle [..] made rather heated remark about the inability of the USA to understand the Chilean situation, and our failure to support Chile in the fight against Communist expansion.
Well-known views on the importance of Chile in the battle to keep the sea lanes open, and the attempts by the Russians to gain a foot hold in the area. According to the congressman, wa Merino's statement that he and other members of the junta had recently told Pinochet that he should not expect any support from the junta if he should decide to be a candidate for presidente in 1989. Merino added that the 1989 elections would be a free and open..."
"choice between various candidates. He described the portion of the constitution calling for a single candidate plesbicite as being ridiculous and unsopportable. In response to the Congressman's question if Pinochet migh bt one of the presidential candidates in 1989, Merino stated that this would not be the case."